The App aims to help medical students and those who are interested in medical science to learn and memorize Chinese traditional pharmacological and medical knowledge. With the six modules in pharmacology recitation, formulary, prescription and medication search, quiz, flashcard, and item bank, this App help medical students to learn with more efficiency and fun.



Dev Stack

We use Node.js, a platform based on Chrome JavaScript, as the server for this project. Event-driven strategy and non-blocking I/O model are adopted to make the App more efficient. As for the administration panel, we chose Express framework and Jade template to ensure excellent customizability, responsiveness and safety.MongoDB is used as our non-relational database for its perfect cooperation with Node.js enables effective data CRUD (Create, Retrieve, Update and Delete). The front end of the App employs the standard Android development mode and multiple View in dynamic loadings. Android-async-http class library is our network communication method to offer better RESTful network calls. The interface of the App adopts Material Design to enhance user experience.